"Backporting" pt3 and pt4 Project Capture Code

As you may remember, I mentioned that I was basing Croject Papture on the code from Project Capture (available here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/f-stop) parts 3 and 4

Since the leaked beta code, is, of course, leaked and beta, it does not entirely work and has some "minor" differences to part 3/4. One of these differences is the camera's display, which is internally reffered to as the "hud" (since it is derrived from the old part1/2 hud code)

As far as I can tell, both parts 3 and 4 use the same code, however, I specifically took the hud code from part 3

The hud code is interesting as in 3/4 it no longer actually uses a hud, it uses the camera screen, as mentioned (see image)

All I did, was remove the old hud code, and replace it with the new one which I stole backported from part3:

function hud_skin(skin,delay=1,runaway=0){
    local skin_modulator=(ALL_OBJ.len()+1)*13
    if(Wheapon_TYPE=="cam") skin_modulator=0
    if(hud_activate) return
    if(ALL_OBJ.len()==0) {EntFire("vm","skin",1,delay);return}
    local vm_film = ALL_OBJ.top().number
    if(vm_film>2) vm_film=3;EntFire("vm","skin",vm_film,delay)

The code above updates the skin of the camera's display to the specified one, determined elsewhere in the code. One more thing I had to do was also backport an updated camera creator as otherwise the hud display would not have a skin and would appear as "missing texture"

I plan on continuing to steal backport future Project Capture code as new parts come out, however, for now the code is up to date for all intents and purposes

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